Class 4 – Years 3 and 4

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Advent Term Curriculum Newsletter

Lent Term Curriculum Newsletter

Pentecost Term Curriculum Newsletter

Here in Class 4, we strive to be the best we can be! We do this by following our Class Charter and respecting each other.

As a Rights Respecting School, we are all listened to and looking after our wellbeing is important. The ‘5 ways to wellbeing’ is a focus in our class so we learn new ways in how to promote it.

Members of our class suggest ways of making our Class even better and are involved in the School Council to give our Class a voice. We participate in all areas of the curriculum by offering praise and encouragement to one another as we know ‘every second counts!’

Class 4 are enjoying reading a range of texts and solving a range of problems. We love being creative by learning new skills and techniques. We work as part of a team and learn how to be a good sport.

At times throughout the day, we aim to give each other constructive criticism. Computer skills are important, so we practice them in variety of subjects.

We stop to pray throughout the day either spontaneously or by saying set prayers. Liturgies are important to us, so we take care in planning and delivering them. 

Our visit to Murton Park

Our trip to Murton Park taught us all about the Stone Age! We went back thousands and thousands of years. It was an exhausting day: hunting, making clay pots, cave drawing, ploughing fields and grinding wheat to make bread. How incredible to discover how differently people lived! We learned so much.

Religious Education in Class 4

We always make time to encounter Jesus and help others encounter Jesus in our school. We regularly plan liturgies and carry out our mission.

We have explored the Liturgical Year so we know what happens during certain times of the Church’s Year. Members of our Class have worked hard in maintaining our prayer garden and encouraging wildlife.

We like to use the outdoor space for quiet reflection. We were excited to see the bulbs planted last year have sprung up and given us some colour back in the garden. This helps our wellbeing, as we love nature and being outdoors.

Our Advent Term Religious Education Curriculum 2023