
Reading and Phonics

Reading at Saint Norbert’s – Parent Leaflet

At St Norbert’s, we believe that reading is the key to unlocking exciting worlds and powerful knowledge for all. Reading is fundamental to our pupils becoming successful and independent learners and we are excited to be a part of their reading journey. Reading is the vehicle through which children access many other areas of the curriculum and subsequently can open the door to many other aspects in the wider world.

Throughout their time at with us, children’s reading diet will allow them to experience and discuss a wide range of texts including poetry, non-fiction and fiction. This reading journey – and the texts within it – has been carefully planned and sequenced to ensure the intentional and cohesive building of cultural capital.

We ensure that daily, high quality, systematic, discrete phonics teaching is delivered consistently across our academy. We use the Read Write Inc. approach to teaching phonics and children begin this programme fully upon starting Reception. Our Nursery children start working through initial phonics work in the summer term.

Reading is necessary for learning, so instilling a love of reading at an early age is the key that unlocks the door to lifelong learning.

Reading aloud presents books as sources of exciting experiences for children to remember. We also aim to give children a head-start on expanding their vocabulary, building independence and self-confidence. It helps children learn to make sense of the world and people around them, develop social and emotional skills as well as feed their imagination.

In addition to their Read Write Inc. book bag book, pupils will also select a ‘sharing’ book from a selection of age appropriate books to read with an adult at home. These books should be read by an adult and enjoyed together during ‘story time’ to develop a love of reading.